

The documents for establishing a representative office in Shanghai:

(一) 申请书 (由公司董事长或总经理签名)

Application Letter (signed by chairman of the foreign enterprise)


Content as follow:

1)常驻代表机构的名称/ the name of representative office;

2)首 席代表机构人员名单(首 席代表、代表)/ list of chief representative and representatives;

3)企业简况,设立常驻代表机构的目的.业务范围/ brief introduction of the foreign enterprise, purpose of establishing this representative office, business scope of this representative office,

4)办公地址/ office address

5)驻在期限/ residence period

(二) 代表任命书 (由公司董事长或执行董事签名)

Application of chief representative and representatives (signed by chairman of the foreign enterprise);

如董事长任首 席代表或代表,其授权书必 须由该企业董事会两名以上董事签署

If chairman is also the representative of the office, the application has to be signed by more than two directors

(三) 代表的简历

Resumes of representatives;

(四) 代表护照或身份证复印件

The passport or ID card (copy) of the chief representative and representatives;

(五) 由该企业所在国的有关当局出具的开业合法证书(副本)注明有效期

Business license copy;

(六) 将此证书在当地的中国大使馆/领事馆公证。

Notarizing this certification at the China Embassy /Consulate in local;

(七) 由同该企业有往来的银行出具的资信证明书(正本)注明信用评价及有效期

Credit certification (original) issued by a foreign bank which has business relations with the enterprise;

(八) 办公楼租赁合同(原件)

Contract for lease of house (original);

(九) 房屋出租方提供的材料

Documents provided by lessor




Muniment of title (copy)


Official document by Shanghai foreign Economic Relation & Trade Commission which permitting the house used by foreign company (copy)


The certificate by the building estate management department

(十) 首 席代表和代表各需4张2寸照片

Four 2-inch-photos of chief representative and representatives;

(十一) 委托本公司代理办理的委托书

The authorization letter for entrusting to our company for establishing the office